Wood County Building Inspection

Contact Info
Bowling Green:
Toll Free:
One Courthouse Sq.
(3rd Floor of Office Bldg)
Bowling Green, OH
Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday:
You are visitor
since July 31st, 1997
E-Mail us at:
Permit and inspection fees for plan examination, inspection and enforcement of the Residential Code of Ohio for one, two and three family dwellings.

Building Permits: New Construction, Industrialized Units, Additions, & Alterations. All residential permits are subject to a 1% state fee.

Residential fees based on gross floor area including garage and basement, but not including crawl areas.
Base Fee $ 75.00
Fee Per Square Foot .20
* Certificate of Occupancy/Completion 50.00
Foundation Only 125.00

Electrical Permits:

* Base Fee $ 75.00
Per Service Amp .50
* Service Change Only  (No added circuits) 75.00
* Temporary service poles (per each inspection) 75.00
Alterations/Additions 50.00

Plumbing Permits:

* Base Fee $ 75.00
Add for each Fixture 10.00
* Replace Water Heater (2 or more $50 each) 75.00

Heating Permits:

* Base Fee
$ 75.00
Fee Per Sq.Ft. of Building .05

* Replace Furnace, Boilers, Conversion Burner, A/C and any like equipment used for heating and cooling purposes.(2 or more $50 each) 


* Per dwelling Unit

Manufactured Home Fees:

Building Permits: (includes plan review, foundation, electrical, final building)
Per Square Foot (basements, porches, garages, etc., additional sq. ft.) .14
Electrical Permits: 75.00
Certificate of Compliance: 100.00
Additional inspections if required (per) 75.00

Permit and inspection fees for plan examination, inspection and enforcement of the Ohio Building Code for Commercial Structures.

Building Permits:New Construction, Industrialized Units, Additions & Alterations.  All commercial permits are subject to a 3% state fee. Resubmittals for Plan Review $125.00, no square footage fee.

Commercial Base Fee $125.00
Fee Per Square Foot .12
Plan Review Fee 125.00
Plan Review Fee Per Square Foot .02
* Certificate of Occupancy/Completion     75.00
Health/Safety inspection for Certificate of Occupancy 175.00

Plumbing Permits:

Base Fee $125.00
Each Fixture 15.00
Replace Hot Water Heater 100.00
Plan Review Fee required if submitted separate from Building Review. 125.00

Electrical Permits:

Base Fee $125.00
Each Circuit 6.00
Fee per service amp size .50
Service Change Only   (No added Circuits) 100.00
Temporary Poles (per each inspection) 100.00
Plan Review Fee required if submitted separate from Building Review 125.00
Generators, wind-turbines, solar powered and like equipment per unit fee 100.00

Mechanical Permits:

Base fee $125.00
Fee Per Square Foot of Building
Replace Furnace, Boilers, Conversion Burner, A/C and any like equipment used for heating and cooling purposes. Per Unit 100.00
Pressure piping test for natural gas and propane,Etc. per system 100.00
Commercial grease removal exhaust hoods - per hood 100.00
Plan Review Fee required if submitted separate from Building Review 125.00

Sprinkler Permits:

Base Fee $125.00
Fee Per Square Foot .06
Hood Suppression Systems - per hood 100.00
Each Additional Plan Review Fee 125.00

Fire Alarm Permits:

Base Fee
Each Device 5.00
Plan Review Fee 125.00

Re-inspection Fees: Residential and Commercial

Per Offense
$ 75.00

Demolition Permits:

Residential (per building)
Commercial (per building) 150.00

* Per unit

Fee for checks returned for insufficient funds
$ 25.00