Wood County Building Inspection

Contact Info
Bowling Green:
Toll Free:
One Courthouse Sq.
(3rd Floor of Office Bldg)
Bowling Green, OH
Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday:
You are visitor
since July 31st, 1997
E-Mail us at:

Obtaining a Zoning Permit:

Before you file an application for a Building Permit for residential or commercial projects, you must obtain a Zoning Permit from the local zoning authority having jurisdiction at the job site location. The list below includes Zoning Boards/Inspectors for most of the cities and townships in Wood, Hancock and Henry Counties. If you cannot find the zoning authority for your area, call the Building Inspection office at 419-354-9190 for assistance, or e-mail us at

Wood County:


Bairdstown Village
Rick Plouck
(419) 601-4039

Bloomdale Village
Fiscal Officer
(419) 454-2941

Bowling Green City
Heather Sayler
304 N. Church St.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
(419) 354-6218

Bradner Village
Trina Woolridge
Bradner, OH 43406
(419) 705-4370

Custar Village
Tim Schroeder
(419) 308-6213

Cygnet Village
Steve VanScoder
325 Front St
PO Box 190
Cygnet, OH 43413
(419) 601-0848

Fostoria City
Jason Koomen
(419) 435-9775

Grand Rapids Village
Chad Beyer
Grand Rapids, OH 43522
(419) 832-5305

Haskins Village
Loren Pancake
Haskins, OH 43525
(419) 823-1911

Hoytville Village
Alex Hoops
2418 S. Main
Hoytville, OH 43529
(419) 278-6630

Jerry City Village
Jim Overmyer
450 Main St
PO Box 298
Jerry City, OH 43437
(419) 308-8407

Luckey Village
Randy Bielinski
(419) 833-8721
(419) 494-5707

Millbury Village
Jeff Mraovich
1918 Woody Drive
Millbury, OH 43447
(419) 360-6261

Milton Center Village
Tony Sanchez
(419) 494-6951

North Baltimore Village
Village Admin
205 N. Main Street
North Baltimore, OH 45872
(419) 257-2394

Northwood City
6000 Wales Rd.
Northwood, Ohio 43619
(419) 690-1653

Pemberville Village
Brian Heestand
115 Main Street
Pemberville, OH 43450
(419) 287-3832

Perrysburg City
Brody Walters
201 W. Indiana Avenue
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 872-8060

Portage Village
Cheyenne Kolczynski
(580) 483-2008

Risingsun Village
(419) 457-4435

Rossford City
Mark Zuchowski
133 Osborn Street
Rossford, OH 43460
(419) 666-0210 x211
(419) 392-7652

Tontogany Village
Chad Johnson
18545 Main St.
Tontogany, OH 43565
(419) 280-9914
Hours 7:30-3:30 Mon.-Fri.

Walbridge Village
Brent Boulerisse
111 N. Main St.
Walbridge, OH 43465
(419) 666-1830
(419) 666-0043

Wayne Village

West Millgrove Village

Weston Village
Ken Taylor
13234 Main St.
Weston, OH 43569
(419) 669-6263


Bloom Township
Chris North
(419) 308-4923

Center Township
Ken Taylor
(419) 389-7040

Freedom Township
Dan Kemner
(419) 601-0978

Grand Rapids Township
Ken Taylor
(419) 389-7040

Henry Township
Chris North
(419) 308-4923

Jackson Township

Lake Township
Mike Hossler
(419) 838-6536

Liberty Township
Dennis Kinney

(567) 213-2281

Middleton Township
21745 N. Dixie Hwy
Bowling Green, OH 43402
(419) 352-6263
(419) 2763546

Milton Township
Dan Wensink
6342 Henry-Wood Co.
Line Road
Deshler, OH 43516
(419) 969-4656

Montgomery Township

Perry Township
Dave Smith
9980 Deshler Rd
Bloomdale, OH 44817
(419) 721-4107

Perrysburg Township
Kelly Moore
26609 Lime City Rd.
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 872-8863

Plain Township
Mykeal Jahna
(419) 601-1373

Portage Township
Ron Sharp
536 S. Summit
Bowling Green, OH 43402
(419) 308-0116

Troy Township
Brooke Hahn
PO Box 921
Luckey, OH 43443
(419) 494-6086

Washington Township
Chad Baranski
15965 Kellogg Rd.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
(419) 290-6537

Webster Township
Dave Welling
9690 Devils Hole Rd
Pemberville, OH 43450
(419) 208-6055

Weston Township
Ken Taylor
14024 Van Tassel Road
Po Box 332
Weston, OH 43569
(419) 669-6263

Henry County:


Deshler Village

(419) 278-2955

Hamler Village Offices

(419) 278-7015

Holgate Village
Fred Weber
14-820 Road F
Holgate, OH 43527
(419) 966-3783

Liberty Center Village
Mark Schultz
(419) 283-0225

McClure Village
Danny Jenkins
(419) 906-4553

Napoleon City
City Of Napoleon
255 W. Riverview, Box 151
Napoleon, OH 43545
(419) 592-4010


Bartlow Township
Dan Wensink
6342 Henry Wood Co
Line Road
Deshler, OH 43516
(419) 969-4656

Damascus Township
Tim Winch
4620 Co. Rd. O-4
McClure, OH 43534
(419) 966-5497

Flatrock Township
Henry Co. Planning
(419) 599-7370

Freedom Township
Kim VanValkenburg
15-091 CR V
Napoleon, OH 43545
(419) 579-0437

Harrison Township
Dan Middleton
9-928 Co Rd 03
Napoleon, OH 43545
(614) 565-7701

Liberty Township
Thomas Hefflinger
10-540 St.Rt. 424
Napoleon, OH 43545
(419) 966-6691

Marion Township
Danny Fagan
11-520 Co.Rd. D
Hamler, OH 43524
(419) 306-3946

Monroe Township
Darvin Biederstedt
J899 St. Route 109
Malinta, OH 43535
(419) 966-3699

Napoleon Township
Henry Co. Planning
(419) 599-7370

Pleasant Township
Doug Bower
14-820 Road F
Holgate, OH 43527
(419) 264-2331
(419) 966-2167

Richfield Township
Evan Geno
(419) 966-3612

Ridgeville Township
Henry Co. Planning
(419) 599-7370

Washington Township
Brad Meister
(419) 260-8602

Hancock County:


Arcadia Village
Brian Dingelstedt
Arcadia, OH 44804
(419) 894-6315

Arlington Village
Jamie Insley
(419) 348-0004

Bluffton Village
Jesse Blackburn
Bryan Lloyd
PO Box 63
Bluffton, OH 45817
(419) 358-2066 x102, x107

Findlay City
Erik Adkins
Development Services
318 Dorney Plaza Room 304
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 424-7110

McComb Village
Gregg Like
210 E. Main St..
McComb, OH 45858
(419) 957-0293 or
(419) 293-4324

Mt. Blanchard Village
Dan Clements
P.O. Box 333
Mt. Blanchard, OH 45867
(419) 957-7913

Van Buren Village
Edward D. May
P.O. Box 275
Van Buren, OH 45889
(419) 299-3234

Vanlue Village
PO Box 144
Vanlue, OH 45890
(419) 889-9668


Allen Township

Amanda Township
Mark Thomas
(419) 957-6468

Biglick Township

Blanchard Township

Cass Township
Dan Fagan
(419) 306-3946

Delaware Township
Scott Buchanon
(419) 348-7078

Eagle Township
Paul Brooks
(419) 365-7075

Jackson Township
Fred Borkosky
16712 T.R. 25
Arlington, OH 45814
(419) 694-6533

Liberty Township
Gene Cole

Madison Township

Marion Township
Dan Fagan
(419) 306-3946

Orange Township

Pleasant Township

Portage Township
HRPC Staff
318 Dorney Plaza Rm 304
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 424-7094

Union Township

Van Buren Township
George Norway
(567) 301-6158

Washington Township
HRPC Staff
318 Dorney Plaza Rm 304
Findlay, OH 45840
(419) 424-7094

Fulton County:


Village of Archbold
Grant Schaffner
(419) 446-2109

Village of Delta
Brad Pebbles
(419) 822-5300

City of Wauseon
Danny Markley
(419) 335-5041

Village of Fayette
Bryan Stambaugh
(419) 237-2116

Village of Lyons
Tanya Lumbrezer
(419) 923-2001

Village of Metamora
Robert Sabo
(419) 664-2051

Village of Swanton
Rosanna Hoelzle
(419) 826-9515



Amboy Township
(419) 337-9214

Chesterfield Township
(419) 337-9214

Clinton Township
(419) 337-9214

Dover Township
(419) 337-9214

Franklin Township
(419) 337-9214

Fulton Township
(419) 337-9214

German Township
(419) 337-9214

Gorham Township
(419) 337-9214

Pike Township
(419) 337-9214

Royalton Township
(419) 337-9214

Swan Creek Township
(419) 337-9214

York Township
(419) 337-9214

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